Frequently Asked Questions

We offer loans, time deposit and other allied services.

For loan application, please bring the following:
✓ ATM Card
✓ Proof of Billing
✓ Any other valid IDs

To avail our loan services, one must be a member of PERA MPC.

To be a member of PERA MPC, one must comply the following:
✓ Approved Application for Membership
✓ Certificate of Completion of the prescribed Pre-Membership Education Seminar (PMES)
✓ Subscribed and paid the required minimum share capital and membership fee
✓ Signifies his/her intention to become a regular member and comply its requirements or to remain as an associate member

✓ Avail loan services
✓ Avail high interest rate on Time Deposit
✓ Loan insurance

Our main office is located at San Francisco, Agusan del Sur, Caraga, Philippines 8501.
You can also find us in our offices:


Active Members


Employees as of Dec.2024


Number of offices